Exterior house paint colors

    Exterior Paint Solutions


    Eco-friendly outdoor paints and insulation solutions with excellent UV protection and outstanding durability.

    When it comes to exterior painting solutions, Caparol brings you a range of environmentally-friendly exterior paints and insulation solutions that not only makes your outdoors stand out but also offers longer protection from elements. Made with superior-quality minerals, polymers and silicone resins, they come in nature-inspired colours to transform your outdoors while providing all-round protection for your home. They make a perfect weatherproof paint as they can fight algae growth, resist stain as well as guard your exteriors from the vagaries of nature including harsh sun, UV rays and pollution. With crack-bridging properties, these emulsions are also capable of hiding imperfections on any surface – be it on your wall or garden bench. Whether it is for touching up your front door, concealing cracks in masonry or giving a facelift to your entire building, we’ve got you covered with our range of high-performance UV and dirt-resistant exterior paint systems and solutions.

    Systems Offered By Solution

